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Migration marketing

How a Melbourne Migration Agent increased bookings by 400% through High-ROI Search Marketing

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Ed found that his team were wading through a sea of leads, but the majority didn’t align with what they were looking for. 

It was clear: their online ads were casting too wide a net. They grappled with several pressing issues. 

First, there was no way to gauge the actual success of their ads. Next, their keyword strategy seemed to burn resources rather than fuel growth. 

Their ads, meant to stand out, barely scratched the surface of what made them unique. And to cap it all off, their landing page felt like it was built before the dot-com boom. 

Realising the gravity of the situation, Ed sought a clearer path through the digital wilderness, one that would lead them straight to their ideal clients, more revenue and predictable growth for their business.

About Gogozing

Gogozing Migration simplifies the intricacies of migration by offering clear, jargon-free advice, giving every client the best shot at success. With offices in Melbourne, Australia, and Seoul, South Korea, they are dedicated to delivering reliable immigration services to businesses, families, and individuals from all corners of the Earth.​

What was the solution?

digital marketing for legal firms

What were the results?​

Once we perfected his campaigns over the three months, we worked out his ideal customer acquisition cost (CAC) and how much he was willing to spend for a new customer in general. This is where things really took off for his business.

Within 6 months of working with Ed and his team, we witnessed an astonishing 400% increase in bookings (YoY), indicating a stronger resonance with potential clients. 

Overall quality traffic surged by a massive 140%, a testament to the engaging content and strategic placements. With our tweaks to the ad strategy, the click-through rate improved by 11%.

Today, GoGozing Migration is not just surviving in the migration industry but thriving in it. They’re connecting with a wider audience, articulating their unique value in a more compelling way, and are paving the path in their industry by showing competitors how it’s done.