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Mortgage Broker Marketing

How this financial broker doubled their SEO and now get 56% more sales opportunities

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aglend case study

Tim from Aglend had a rough patch when they lost a key team member to illness. Everyone was down, and it felt like something was missing at work.

A few months passed, and they realised they needed help, especially with their digital marketing. 

Their website looked like a relic from the past, and they were just tired of marketing agencies that didn’t seem to get their real problem: they needed quality leads, not just a pretty website.

So, when they reached out to me, I couldn’t say no. Aglend’s products had so much potential, and I felt like I could really help them.

They didn’t just need clicks; they needed the right people clicking, interested in what Aglend had to offer.

My aim? To help Aglend really find its audience, get seen by the people who would care about their services, and finally get some quality leads.

Because at the end of the day, it wasn’t just about updating a website; it was about helping Aglend grow in a way that made sense for them.

About Aglend

Aglend helps farmers and businesses in the agricultural space get the finance they need. They believe in supporting farmers to grow their farm businesses no matter their circumstances.

What was the solution?

What were the results?​

It’s amazing to see how far Aglend’s website has come in just six months!

When we first launched the revamped site, it was a bit of a rollercoaster. We had some highs and lows, which is pretty typical when you’re shaking things up online. But we didn’t let that slow us down.

We went back to the drawing board, made sure the content was spot-on and kept tweaking. Teamwork made the dream work, really. The team in charge of ads were right there with us, fine-tuning their strategies to align with our new site and SEO efforts.

The result? Our target keywords started climbing up Google’s rankings, website visits surged by 56%, and we expanded the range of keywords they rank for by 37%.

The cherry on top? Almost half of these keywords now sit in Google’s top 3. That’s not just a win; that’s a game-changer for Aglend.

This all means that Aglend isn’t just casting a wider net; they’re pulling in the kind of consistent leads they’ve been missing for years. We’ve created a sustainable, effective marketing channel they can rely on, setting them up for a brighter future.